A Leader in the Exportation of Egyptian Natural Stone, Marble, Granite and Silica Sand.

» Why to choose Al Gabal?

  1. Company offers an assortment of natural stone, marble, and granite. The commodity range includes Sinai Pearl Marble, Galala Marble, Silvia Marble, Sunny Marble, and numerous granite varieties like Red Aswan Granite and Black Aswan Granite.
  2. Egyptian natural stone from Al Gabal is lauded for its durability, versatility, and aesthetic appeal, making it widely used in both residential and commercial construction projects. Each piece of stone undergoes rigorous assessment for quality, consistency, and endurance before being accepted into Al Gabal’s product lines, which further enhances the company’s reputation.
    Marble offered by the company exudes a sophisticated allure, marked by an exquisite palette of warm hues. The Egyptian marble, known for its heat resistance and resilience, is highly sought after for grand architectural designs, interior decor, and countertops.
  3. Al Gabals granite carries the imposing grandeur of the Egyptian landscapes. Proven to be one of the hardest stones available, it offers durability and resistance to scratches and heat, ideal for kitchen counters, flooring, and outdoor uses.

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